Our Dispersion – “Stay at Home” in 2020

We are seeking wisdom from the book of James written by inspiration during another man made dispersion. Because of the current pandemic of Coronavirus we are living in interesting and in a way similar times. Their dispersion was the action or process of distributing people over a wide area by way of persecution. In our case we have been dispersed to our homes. No school. No work. No travel. No gatherings and when outside dispersed by 6 feet at least. But nevertheless dispersed into our homes!

In our lesson last week in James 1:2 we are told to “count it all joy”. It is not an easy thing to endure, much less be joyful.  But just as the birds disperse seeds that will bring forth new life, growth and beauty, God seems to use a similar process in our
dispersion that places us where He desires us in His omnipotence to be.  The Greek word diaspora, which literally means “through a sowing” is the same idea used here in James one and we have another reference in John 5:37.  We have been sown where God wants us for this moment. I wonder if we could be used where we are to bring forth new life, growth and beauty in our landing spots.

REMEMBER (from lesson one) we are where we are by God. You and I are where God wants us. So work on it. Work on the joy. Be the best and most useful right where you are this moment.

Now, for today as we read further in James 1:3-4 we come to our next inspired instruction of what to do during our dispersion and during different problems.

1. Knowing this. The Scripture says, “Knowing this …” God wants us to know something – to learn something – to gain something. This is not a completely negative situation for us, but it is a positive initiative for our benefit.

2. Also … This is a trying of our faith. The testing of our faith is to help us go on to maturity. We are all somewhere in our maturing process. Friend, where are you? What will it take to grow you to a better person? Remember, God has you where you need to be for the purpose of this process. Many times only a humbling experience that we are forced to go through will bring us to a richer relationship with the Lord and the help He offers.

But remember from our first lesson we need to have joy for this to work. Then in James 1:3-4.

3. And our third thought here – this trying works for patience. We must go through our trial to get patience. Romans 5:3-4 This is God’s perfect work for us to become perfect or mature. And beyond mature but to a place of lacking or wanting nothing. No lacking! Wow! What a promise from the word! Friend, whatever we are going through is working on us. God is working on us. It is maturing us. It is making us perfect and complete and helping us to come up with everything we need. Again, you are right where God wants you to be so that He can do this great work on you. Let Him do this work. It is for your benefit and blessing. And be joyful. Let the trial of your faith make you to be the person God wants you to be until you lack nothing.


More next week from the letter to the dispersed.
Something to do with “Lack wisdom – ask! Ask in faith.”

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